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Year 2 Curriculum Overview can be found here: Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Friday 20th December 2024
What a busy and fun-filled couple of weeks we’ve had!
We have been busy learning about lots of Christmas traditions including the history of Christmas cards and why Christmas is so important to Christians. The children really enjoyed making Christingles last week in RE and we learnt about what each part of a Christingle symbolises. We also visited our local library today and sang some of our favourite Christmas songs.
In Maths we have been learning how to use arrays to multiply and divide, and we have been practising our 2s, 3s, 5s and 10 times tables. We have also learnt about using mathematical language to position and direction such as left, right, in front, behind.
In Literacy we have been writing letters to Father Christmas to persuade him not to cancel Christmas this year! The children have been using expanded noun phrases and exclamation sentences to make their letters exciting to read and extremely persuasive!
We have had a brilliant time in D&T over the last couple of weeks designing and making our very own smoothies. The children tried a variety of fruits and then choose their favourite ingredients to include in their own smoothie. We enjoyed preparing the fruit and exploring the different tastes, textures and smells, and the children came up with some brilliant names for their smoothies.
We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to welcoming the children back in the New Year.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 2 Team
Friday 29th November 2024
What a fun-filled couple of weeks Year 2 have had!
We have been busy rehearsing our nativity for you all to enjoy next week.
In Literacy we have been looking at exclamation sentences. All of the children have written a recount of what happened on Santa’s trip without the carrots for his reindeers. While in phonics we have been learning the different graphemes ‘ge’ ‘dge, looking at the words we can find them in
In Maths we are deepening our knowledge of 3D shapes. Identifying and describing their properties, including cylinders, cones and cubes. We have also been using Venn diagrams to classify and sort 2D and 3D shapes.
In Geography we have been busy learning about the difference between physical and human features. We know that human features include roads, bridges and buildings. Whereas physical features have been created by nature and these include seas/oceans, beaches and shorelines.
In science we carried out an experiment looking at the importance of washing our hands and how this helps to stop the spread of germs. We learnt how to set up an experiment. We used 3 slices of bread and exposed them to different level of germs we then watched the mould grow. We were very shocked at how important it is to wash our hands properly!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend,
The Year Two team
Friday 15th November 2024
It was lovely to see all the children after the October break.
As well as getting stuck into rehearsals for the Christmas play, the children have been very busy in class and have all risen to the challenge.
In Literacy we have been developing our writing skills to include commands. The children have enjoyed making the magic potion using the witch’s recipe and creating crowns before writing their own instructions on how to make these.
In Maths we have been learning about subtraction. We have learnt that unlike addition subtraction is not commutative and explored different ways to solve these calculations. We have used partitioning, our number bonds for 10 knowledge and number lines.
In Science we have continued our unit on Animals including Humans. So far, we have explored what happens to our bodies when we exercise and what makes a healthy and balanced diet. Over the coming weeks we will also look at the importance of hygiene.
As part of Anti-bullying week, we looked at how we can tackle bullying by being respectful of each other’s feelings and beliefs. We had a lovely time drawing pictures of how we can do this and created word clouds. We also made a web of respect which showed how it is important for our whole community to be respectful to ensure everyone’s happiness.
We look forward to seeing you over the coming weeks at the Christmas Fayre and the Nativity Play.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 2 Team
Friday 18th October 2024
What a busy couple of weeks we’ve had!
In Literacy we have been continuing to learn about instruction writing. We read ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and then we wrote our own set of instructions about how to catch a giant. This week we have planned, written and edited our own set of instructions and the children were able to choose the subject themselves, which they have really enjoyed! In phonics we have been looking at alternative spellings for the ‘ee’ sound and we have continued to learn about homophones.
In Maths we have been learning about addition. We have learnt about how addition is commutative and can be done in any order, we have been learning to add multiples of 10 and this week we have started to learn to add 2 digit numbers by partitioning and recombining.
Both classes have absolutely loved our Forest School session! We used our knowledge from our recent Science lessons to select natural materials from our forest school area to build a habitat for a given animal. We then made bird feeders, played in the mud kitchen and toasted bread on the fire.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year Two Team
Friday 4th October 2024
What a fun-filled couple of weeks Year 2 have had!
In Literacy we have been looking at co-ordinating conjunctions. All of the children have written their very own set of instructions for how to make a jam sandwich! While in phonics we have been learning the difference between ‘er’, ‘ir’, ‘ur’ and ‘ear’. These suffixes are at the end of words and although they make the same sound they are all needed for different words.
In Maths we have started to look at shapes. Identifying and describing the properties of a range of 2-D and 3-D shapes, including pentagons, hexagons and octagons (which we know is an 8 sided shape just like an octopus!). We have also been exploring their lines of vertical symmetry, vertices, edges and faces.
In History we have continued to learn about Gloucester Docks. We have been studying a range of artefacts including a Gauging Stick which would have been used by toll collectors to measure the amount of cargo carried on a boat. The more the stick was in the water the higher the toll!
In science we have been building habitats for different animals thinking about what makes the perfect shelter. We have had to think what the basic needs of our animals are (water, food, shelter and air).
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year Two team
Friday 13th September 2024
What a great couple of weeks we have had.
The children have settled brilliantly into Year 2 (already!!) and they have warmly welcomed new children to their classes.
We have had lots of time to remind ourselves of our school rules, new classroom rules and a reminder of our ‘Class Powers’. We have used this to help us tackle our first challenges in the Year 2 curriculum using the power of yet and they have all been super stars.
In Literacy we have had a little refresh on basic punctuation- capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We have also been learning about expanded noun phrases. We have been thinking of excellent adjectives to put before a noun to give more detail.
In Maths we have looked at partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways using our base tens resources. We have set some follow up homework for this so the children can practise at home. We have also been comparing two 2-digit numbers using < > and =
We have been very lucky to have a couple of visitors this week to Year 2. Firstly, we had Helene Barrott come in to meet the children. Helene is a local artist who has kindly given up her time to work with the children over the coming weeks to create wire leaves. These will then be used to create a collective piece of art to be displayed in the school. We also had a visit from Mrs Barnard with her son Arlo. This linked nicely with our science topic on animals including humans. The children enjoyed meeting Arlo and asked many interesting questions. They were then able to discuss how they are different and that there are many things they can do now that they couldn’t do when they were a baby.
We loved having our sports coaches back and we have had a great time exploring how to use our bodies to move in different ways.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Year Two team