Breakfast and After School Club
Operational hours
Breakfast Club runs from 8-9am and After School Club runs from the end of the school day until 5:30pm. This is during school term time only and excludes inset days and bank holidays.
Breakfast Club is priced at £4.50 per child for each session. After School Club is priced at £8.50 per child for each session.
Payment must be made via ParentPay and is required in advance. We can also accept payments using certain childcare vouchers. Please contact the school office if you would like more details.
Places will be booked on a yearly basis via our SchoolPing system. Parents are welcome to book one off sessions if places are available. Please book by emailing the School Office and we will be able to advise if your required sessions are available.
Breakfast and After School Club Sign-up Sheet
Drop off and collection
In the morning children must be escorted to the Clearwater building. If you wish your child to eat breakfast with us, please make sure you’ve arrived by 8.30am.
The parent of every child is responsible for ensuring that their child is collected on time. If there is any unavoidable delay, it is the parent’s responsibility to make alternative arrangements for collection and advise the school at or on 01452 347690.
The club will only release children into the care of individuals who have been named by the parent and no child will leave the club unsupervised.
If a child is going to be absent, it is essential that the club staff are notified by contacting the school.
Food and drink
Children will be provided with balanced and nutritious food and snacks. It is vital that you let us know in writing if your child has any food allergies.
Please note that Clearwater Primary Academy reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions and registration fees at any time.